The beginning of 2012 saw the premiere of the original domestic animated series “Momoking Universal Treasure Hunting” and “Little Great Hero Momoking&rdquo..
On Feb. 3, SARFT publicized the fourth group of winners of “Outstanding Domestic Animation of 2011”. Twenty-nine outstanding domestic animations have been select..
Xiamen Daily reported on December 29, the award ceremony of China Government Culture & Art Prize - the state-approved award, the only national cartoon prize and the top pri..
Original animation Adventures of MOMOKING has sailed to overseas. It has arrived at ICN this September. There are two episodes to be broadcast during 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. on ..
CIFIT has its fifteenth anniversary this year which also marks the tenth year since China has entered WTO and the starting year of the “Twelfth Five-year Plan”. ..
Since its premiere in May on CCTV Children’s channel, Adventure of MOMOKING has won many MO fans. It has been awarded as an Excellent Domestic Animation by the State A..
Excellent Domestic Cartoon series Adventure of MOMOKING is to be broadcasted at the Cartoon Theater of the CCTV Children’s Channel on May 7, 2011 at 16:00.Daliy tele..
Recently, the original animation “Adventures of Momoking” (26 episodes), produced by Xiamen Momoland Import & Export Co., Ltd., has been sold to over 20 countrie..