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Dear Friends, Please Vote for MOMOKING
Release:Momoking  Time:2011-08-18  Read:3918
  •     Dear friends there, the online voting for “World Cartoon and Animation Awards (TCB)” 2010-

    2011of China Cartoon and Animation is in full swing. MOMOKING is campaigning for the Annual C&A

    Works and Annual Cartoon Image. The Adventures of MOMOKING is based on the profound Chinese

    culture. It is about the adventures of the little monkeys who live on Momoland. And legend,

    science fiction and education are combined in the animation with adorable images and fresh

    frames. Since the premiere on CCTV in May, Adventures of MOMOKING is being broadcast on many

    provincial TV, satellite TV and professional cartoon channels. It has won many audiences. By far,

    MOMOKING has entered the top ten. We sincerely hope that all friends who are paying attention to

    MOMOKING will vote for us.



    The voting website pages are as below:


    Annual C&A Works:



    Annual Cartoon Image:



    Thank you again for your support!

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