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MOMOKING and Children’s Library Celebrated Children’s Birthday
Release:Momoking  Time:2012-09-03  Read:4647
  • In the morning of September 2nd, laughter filled the multi-function room in the seventh floor of Xiamen Children’s Library at Wenzao. The third “Fairy Tales World” birthday party was held there. The story-telling mothers and babies and kids from more than twenty families attended the party. 

    Cartoon stars Momoking and Momoqueen came to the party too. The naïve and active Momoking and the gentle and kind-hearted Momoqueen gave an opening dance “Travel Song”. The passion of kids was soon enkindled. Then, pantomimes “Three Piggies and Great Wild Wolf” and “Three Butterflies” were presented, which amused the children and parents. Momoking and Momoqueen brought three parent-child games to the party. With the help of their parents, the birthday babies and kids enjoyed the games and won prizes. The babies and kids had fun during the games, which enhanced the relationship between the parents and children. All the families gained something from the party. In the end, they all took photos with Momoking and Momoqueen to keep the unforgettable moment.

    The babies and kids were happy about the birthday party. The smart and happy cartoon stars Momoking and Momoqueen will accompany them and grow up with them healthily and happily, which no doubt will become nice memory to the children.



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