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MOMOKING Joined Hands with the Library
Release:Momoking  Time:2012-03-27  Read:3826
  •        In the morning of March 25, the first “The Fairy Tales World” Birthday Party 2012 for young children was held in Xiamen Children’s Library. Story Mothers and the young kids from more than fifty families gathered in the multi-function room in the seventh floor of Children’s Library at Wenzao. The rich and colorful party was full of laughter.
           In the beginning, Story Mothers, a commonweal organization, was awarded. The mothers tell stories for the children for free in the weekends, which is welcome by many parents and children. Story Mothers prepared many stories for the party and their performance had attracted all the people in the room. Later, the children gave twelve plays which gave off dreamlike light like pearls. The actors and actresses in their costumes played “How a Colt Crossed the River”, “Bunny Learns to Dance Ballet”, “Monkey and Crocodile” and so on. Momoking and Momoqueen danced to the song and brought a parent-child game to the party. Soon the kids and parents got excited. The birthday kids wore MOMOKING birthday hats and received many cakes and gifts. Before the party ended, the kids rushed to take photos with Momoking and Momoqueen. 
           The birthday party had drawn much attention of many citizens. The Strait Guide has reported the news. And all the kids had enjoyed the party very much. Another three birthday parties will be held later this year. Momoking and Momoqueen will be there all the time to bring fun to more children!

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