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MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN Played with Children
Release:Momoking  Time:2011-10-31  Read:4066
  •        In the morning of October 29, Momoking and Momoqueen visited the Wetland Park at Wuyuan Bay with the children from Little Golden Star International Kindergarten at Xiang’an and had a wonderful time together. The Wetland Park is half the size of Gulang Isle and is the largest park and largest wetland Eco-park in Xiamen, which is known as the green lung of the city. The landscape looks natural for only some tiny trims have been made. Momoking and Momoqueen’s show up attracted the attention of the children and their parents. Some of them took pictures of Momoking and Momoqueen. What an exciting scene it was! The outgoing included dancing, parent-child games, maze exploring, etc. The children had great fun.
           Momoking is adorable. In the animation series “Adventures of MOMOKING”, he met powerful enemy undauntedly. He is heroic, courageous, strong-minded and outgoing, so he has become the hero in many children’s mind. MOMOKING LIMITED is making every effort to open an international door for Chinese fairy tales, to develop a world-famous Chinese cartoon brand and to spread Chinese culture in an entertaining way.



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