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To Be Thankful – MOMOKING Showed Love to Mothers
Release:Momoking  Time:2012-05-15  Read:4576
  •        Mothers’ love is strong that can live through any rain and wind, mothers love is eternal that can stand the test of time and mothers’ love is great for it is selfless. On May 13, the Mothers’ Day, MOMOKING came to LOVE&ME Cake Club with 30 families from the Gold Collar Life Club of Bank of Communications to make gifts for the mothers.
           The theme activity was held in LOVE&ME Cake Club. At the beginning, all children there danced with MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN to the theme song “Magic World” of the latest animated Momoking series “Universal Treasure Hunting”. The show and interactive games brought the party to full swing. Next, the children made cakes by themselves. They wrote them their wishes to their mothers on the cakes, which became the first “sweet” gifts for their mothers. Later, MOMOKING taught the children make carnations. The mothers were touched when they received the carnations made by their children, which became the second gift each mother got there. Some mothers even let out some tears of happiness.
           Love spread over the room with the sweet smell of cream and the fragrance of flowers. MOMOKING hoped to show respect to all mothers and hoped that children could learn to be thankful. In the meantime, wish all mothers a happy Mothers’ Day!


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