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MOMOKING became a well-known character
Release:Momoking  Time:2008-04-07  Read:4061
  • Normally, consumer in mainland always thought cartoon products always seem to belong to Japan, the United States and other developed countries. MOMOKING was born to compete with other cartoon characters from global, and it has achieved remarkable success. Now, cartoon products from U.S.A and Japan face to MOMOKING’s challenge as well as its success.

    About 70 years ago, numbers of Americans were touched by a mouse that became well-know in the whole world. In fact, most of kids are crazed with a monkey character in China more than 500 years that are involved with generations. It is an important legend for all Chinese. Designers of MOMOKING found inspiration by this is the magical legend.


    Theory of Momoking is to make Momoking well-known globally instead to help all we can help. To let the dreams come true is counted on this special character, Momoking. Once it is success and well-known all children and adult will experience it as well. 

    Cheung Fung (HK) Limited, a trading company is established at Hong Kong since 1992. Handicraft and garment are invested in Guang Xi and Jiang Su. Plant size is about 544,448 square feet. It included design of children wears, development, and sales. There are about 60x 40’ containers exported to European and US markets.

        In November 2007, Momoking (HK) Limited is found by Cheung Fung (Hong Kong) Group that develops with current domestic cartoons, children´s clothes, children´s toys, stationery, and other markets.  MOMOKING is based on a classic of Chinese literature, and created with classic and new fashion style instead to match what youth needs nowadays. Thus, it is designed as a new model figures.
          After MOMOKING is found, people learned it is a great success character designed with Chinese culture and fashion that became a strong competition to cartoon characters from U.S.A or Japan. It is also designed on all kinds of products for child or youth that are achieve international standard.

        In the meantime, Momoking’s shoes are also started to promote to international market as a famous brand. Momoking (HK) Ltd. was used to be a trading company to export


         Now, we are arranging Dongguan Branch office that is about 2,000 square meters. The decoration has been completed. At the same time, Momoking cartoon characters are designed at the last stage that are participated by the designers from Academy of Fine Arts. MOMOKING website will be ready at the end of 2008.


    From now on Momoking (HK) Ltd. will implement and run based on Chinese culture and integration of international resources to achieve our target.

    It is a cartoon brand belongs to all Chinese that will be developed with other accessories to make all win. In fact, this character will be made on all related children products to attractive all children from the world.

    Moreover, Momoking was born to service our society, so it must be a success brand. It will be focus on children wears and shoes at the first stage, and then expand to other accessories.

    We are so honor to work with Momoleon which designed shoes for prince of Spain. Specially, Prince’s shoes were been gilded by this company and collection in the Spanish Royal Museum. It shows the Royalty, strength and charisma of Momoking brand.

    [ 轉自中國服飾報 ]

    LINK : http://www.cfw.com.cn/cfw/brand/200804/01/t20080401_248184.shtml

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