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"Adventures of MOMOKING" Wins Another Honor
Release:Momoking  Time:2011-04-11  Read:3831
  •     The State Administration of Radio Film and Television(SARFT) has found a special fund for nationwide children’s quality programming and domestic animation development, to encourage and support the creation, production and broadcast of children’s programs and animations.
        After the a primary selection by the provincial and state departments concerned and a final selection by the fund committee, "Adventures of MOMOKING", which has won the honor of "Excellent Animation" in July 27 in 2010, has been chosen into the top 39 domestic animations again. In April 7, 2011 SARFT announced that "Adventures of MOMOKING" won the Encouragement Award of Nationwide Quality Children’s Programming and Animation 2010, which is an affirmation and encouragement to MOMOKING team, which meanwhile encourages us to create more quality animations to improve the popularity of MOMOKING!

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