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“SM Child Stars” Invited MOMOKING to the Dream Season
Release:Momoking  Time:2012-04-18  Read:4095
  •       This year, “SM Child Stars” sees its tenth season. In March and April, Momoking and Momoqueen walk out from the animation and go with the child stars to many places like Jinshan, Jinshang, Xianglu City, Zhongshan Road. They give wonderful shows to the people there.
           The tour show to 12 communities will come to an end soon. What people have in mind are the children’s talent shows but also the two adorable characters from “Adventures of Momoking”. The regulation game will begin from the last ten-day of April. The preliminary contest, quarter-final and final have attracted hundreds of children. They will stand on the stage and fly with the wings of dream. Momoking and Momoqueen will be with them and help them to realize their dreams.
           As angels of love and wisdom, MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN are not only nice-looking but also optimistic. Together with “SM Child Stars”, they start the dream season!


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