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MOMOKING Celebrated Easter in Cambridge Kindergarten at Red Oak
Release:Momoking  Time:2012-04-09  Read:3998
  •        Easter sees the start of spring and the birth of new life. In the afternoon of April 6, an Easter party was held in Cambridge Kindergarten at Red Oak. The kindergarten was decorated with Easter eggs, rabbits and Easter posters. The teachers showed up with rabbit ears and flower baskets. They talked to their students with English. MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN came to the spot from the animation and taught them dance. The coming Eggs Hunting game excited the crowd. All the children found some Easter eggs. With their parents, the kids painted the eggs and made many lovely shapes with clay.
           In this burgeoning spring, MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN have brought much fun to the kids. Let love warm up and hope grow up!


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