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MOMOKING Sent New Year Greetings
Release:Momoking  Time:2012-01-09  Read:4036
  •        The happiness of growth reflects on children’s smiling faces and the recall of happy moments always makes people hope for a brighter future. In the last day of 2011, our cute MOMOKING went to Little Golden Star Kindergarten at Jinshang to celebrate the coming New Year with the kids.
           MOMOKING held a New Year party, which had brought much fun to the kids and their parents. The theme song of MOMO family – You Are My Friends made the kids dance with MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN. Then it came into the exciting parent-child games, Kangaroo Jumping, Runaway, Tiles Paving made their enthusiasm soar. The coming MOMOKING Chesses and MOMOKING Raiders were also popular. In the end, the kids came to take pictures with MOMOKING and MOMOQUEEN, to record the last day the year.
           The new is approaching. MOMOKING had brought and will bring the best animations and joy to you all and the earnest wish to every kid.

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